Our Local Chippy

Our local chippy is in the Guardian newspaper’s list of the 50 best fish and chip shops. You can get fish bites (for the Aussies amongst you – fish cocktails) and chips before 4pm for £2.50 a serve!


View the rest of the list HERE

The Father of Australia.


Can’t wait to see this. It airs on Australia Day (Jan 26th) on BBC Two.
(My home town has a statue of Macquarie in the centre of it.)

The Father of Australia

Lachlan Macquarie, born into poverty on a small Hebridean island, rose to become Governor – absolute ruler – of the British colony that would become Australia.

He and his wife, Elizabeth – Australia’s first Power Couple – set a notorious penal colony on course to become a modern nation.

Macquarie was brought down by powerful enemies in the colony. Yet, two and a half centuries after his birth, he’s an Australian hero.

Drama-documentary starring Clive Russell as Lachlan Macquarie, and Julie Wilson Nimmo Elizabeth. Narrated by David Tennant.


Narrator – David Tennant
Lachlan Macquarie – Clive Russell
Elizabeth Macquarie – Julie Wilson Nimmo
Producers – Seona Robertson & Stuart Scowcroft
Director – Les Wilson


BBC Scotland
The History Channel
Screen Australia
Screen NSW

Musically Edifacated?

Em Told me of a musicality test she did on the BBC Lab site. I took the test and came out with what, I assume, must be fairly average musicality. Although I was shocked by my low score (well, medium score) for my 'emotional connection' with music. Anyway, here are my results, if you are interested in taking the test yourself, click here