Axe In Head

Have been coming around this morning feeling as though someone had entered our house and put an axe through my head.

For someone who rarely gets headaches, this bout of a few days is really starting to worry me!

Will I do something about it? Probably not…

Goodie, Goodie, Yum, Yum!

Today was “Goodies” Day!

We were awoken to the sound of a pummel on the door. The parcel postie had arrived with a box of goodies sent to us by my mum. A rude awakening, but a welcome one!

And WHAT a treasure trove!

Full of lovely surprises as well.

The list is:

4 x Cheese Twisties

4 x Chicken Twisties

3 x Soya Chips

2 x Cadbuy Snack block

2 x Cadbury Caramello block

2 x Cadbury Marble block

1 x Cadbury Top Deck block

1 x Cadbury Dream block

2 x Whittaker’s Dark Chocolate 50% cocoa Rum ‘n’ Raisin

1 x Whittaker’s bite size coconut slab bag

1 x Whittaker’s bite size Almond Gold bag

2 x Twix share bags

2 x Snickers share bag

2 x Bounty share bags

1 x Raspberry liquorice bag

I have been particularly hankering after some raspberry liquorice of late, so to see a bag in the box was brilliant. The raspberry flavour of liquorice is harder to source over here than the standard aniseed flavour for some reason.

The goodies didn’t end there. My mum had sent a second, smaller box over. It arrived later in the afternoon. It contained a book I had bought on my last visit to Oz back in 2007 – which I had desperately wanted to bring back home with me – but I just had NO room to pack it in my luggage.

My Oz booky wook 🙂



But wait, there’s more! (as Tim Shaw from the Demtel  ads used to say).

My mother-in-law Mozzy (real name Rita, but family call her Mozzy, a nickname) knows I’m a Whovian and collects things for me from the papers and stuff and had got these for me…

Mr T Goodiness 🙂


Goodies!!! Goodies!!!! Goodie, Goodie, yum, yum!!!

May Contain Spoilers

I love quizzes. Some of them are my favourite TV programmes, particularly Pointless, Mastermind and University Challenge. But lately there seems to be a small contingent of people trying to spoil my enjoyment of such programmes and it is frankly getting on my wick!

You see, I time shift my TV viewing. I don’t really like being told when I should watch a programme. I nearly always record EVERYTHING I watch. The only thing I ever watch ‘live’ is the news. Everything else is generally viewed on delay.

University Challenge is one of these programmes. Now, I don’t think of myself as in any way academic or brainy, but I like to test myself and sometimes due to recall (it can hardly be called ‘knowledge’ having a penchant for remembering things), I get a few answers right and feel a little more worthy of being a human on planet earth.

Now, I don’t mind the odd spoiler on a TV programme that’s drama or documentary based, these things can be easily avoided…but when people are tweeting answers to questions on University Challenge at the time it airs, I just have to wonder why? Why? Is your life that meaningless you feel the need to try to make yourself superior in a tweet stream? You surely CANNOT tweet an answer before the student(s) give(s) it?

I find it the hight of abuse of twitter etiquette to do such a thing.

This started with one lady I recently begun following. She seemed nice and thought I’d start following her. The first Monday night this happened (the Uni Challenge answer tweets), I let it slide. The second, I unfollowed her. Call that cruel – and perhaps maybe I should have said something (I did tweet a generalised note of ire about spoilers that night), but I’m sure she’d have felt she was doing nothing wrong. Perhaps she isn’t. Perhaps I’m just too damn uptight.

But tonight is the straw that broke the camel’s back! A friend on twitter whom I have followed for some time now has started doing the same thing! Now I am finding myself caught between a rock and a hard place. I make general tweets about spoilers and my dislike of them and how I time shift my television viewing but it seems to fall upon deaf ears (or is read by blind eyes!). And now I think, do I unfollow this lady? For good, just on Monday nights? What if I forget to follow her again come Tuesday morning? Am I being too anal?

I do love social networks and I love the sharing nature of them, but there HAS to be some etiquette! I try my damnedest not to reveal spoilers. A make general remarks “it’s good” – “you’ll like it” etc. If I am going to be specific I WARN people. I try to make my book reviews on Goodreads thorough but elusive to try to avoid giving spoilers and if I have to refer to something specific I use the *spoiler* tags. but when others don’t follow the basic etiquette, that’s when I fall out of love with socials >.<


Trending Topics 26/9/2011

Ah, I love how obsessed and delusional Brits are. Here’s today’s trending topics on Twitter, as of several minutes of the time of this post…

It’s gonna be a SCORCHER! With temps into the HIGH…


Twenties! Lol

Are Social Networks Making Us *LESS* Social?

With the changes that are due to be implemented on Facebook and my consideration for actually deleting my Facebook account once these changes are implemented, it got me thinking about the way in which I’d connect with people before Twitter and Facebook took such a stranglehold on our online socialising.

One way was obviously keeping a blog. I know that my family and friends could come and visit my blog and see what I was up to at any point. And here (in the blogosphere) I am in (what feels like anyway, perhaps I am delusional?) more control of what I type and who sees it. Okay, perhaps corporate bots can come and trawl my site – but they are going to be less motivated to do that when all the info for millions (if not billions) of people at the touch of a button via social networks.

One method I’d use was email. And now here comes the scary bit, I can’t remember the last time I actually sat down and typed out an email to a friend.  I mean a proper “How are you? I’m going good. This has happened to me…blah, blah, blah, etc” type email. I’m lucky if I send out one email a month now, and that’s normally an enquiry to an online seller.

So that had me questioning just HOW social I am using ‘social networks’. I mean, yes, I read all about my families doings on Facebook, but most of the time that’s all I’m doing. I’m not conversing with them. I might say “like” or add a quick comment to what they’ve said, but that’s it. It hardly feels like being social with them or that I’m REALLY knowing what’s going on back home.

Perhaps it’s time to go back to emails and blogging? Well, I am slowly starting the blog again, but I’m not even sure my family reads this (if any of my Oz family see this post, leave a comment so I know! – perhaps I’ll email and ask? Lol).

Expect some emails in your Inbox soon. You never know, it may just make your day – and will be a change from all that spam!

The Internet gets more sinister every day…

No Happy Bunnies

I’d been hearing in the periphery about the changes implemented to Facebook today, but hadn’t experienced any of it myself, until just now when visiting. Talk about backlash! This is what my new look stream was filled with…


Some NOT happy bunnies there! I’m not particularly bothered. We live in ever changing times and you just have to roll with it people.

It’s Official: Tonight is Pointless!


I watch a quiz/game show on the BBC called Pointless in which the object of the game is to score as fewer points as possible by giving more obscure answers. One hundred people are given 100 seconds to name as many things about a particular subject as they can and those that score the fewest are the best answers. Some (in which no person polled has answered) are pointless (IE; score zero) and are worth money to the jackpot amount on offer, or actually are the answers needed to win the jackpot.

In the final round, that days winning contestants get the chance to win the jackpot by providing three potentially pointless answers on a question. Only one of the answers HAS to be pointless, but they get three chances. Following?

Anyway, this was yesterday’s final round question…


As two die-hard Bowie fans (Em and I), this question could NOT have been any more perfect! It was just WHICH Bowie albums we thought would be pointless. As Bowie fans we could name ALL his studio albums in 100 seconds, and then some!

The first one I thought of was Pin Ups (and to my surprise the contestants – two young female uni students – came up with the same answer), but then I started thinking about the more recent albums. Black Tie White Noise, Earthling, Heathen (Heathen was pointless FFS!)…all of which ended up pointless.

And then, I thought of this…

Proof (if ever it were needed).


And so did pointless host Alexander Armstrong. Em felt VERY vindicated to see this come up. Lol. I still have a bit of time for this album but Em was so “just as I have always said, utterly pointless!” about it. Lol

By the way, the ladies didn’t get the jackpot. Their answers were Labyrinth (showing you the depth of their knowledge, hence my shock of their Pin Ups answer), Space Oddity and Pin Ups. Labyrinth was (obviously) incorrect, Space Oddity scored 7, and Pin Ups – 1! They actually got so close but, alas, no cigar.