Trending Topics 26/9/2011

Ah, I love how obsessed and delusional Brits are. Here’s today’s trending topics on Twitter, as of several minutes of the time of this post…

It’s gonna be a SCORCHER! With temps into the HIGH…


Twenties! Lol

Instant Karma’s Gonna Get Ya!

Well, how excited was *I* to get this in my email today!

Someone from Bhutan following me. Brilliant! Perhaps the words ‘tour operator’ should have helped me to twig that they would only be wanting to push product.

How disappointing. What would Buddha think?

Bio Drivel


I get all these Motivational-Speaking-Super-Mom-Marketing types following me which I just block straight away. But before blocking this one I had to take a copy of their bio – it is SUCH drivel (and badly worded English).