Tubs The Goldfinch.

During the last 12 months we’ve had visits from goldfinches, probably the most exotically colourful birds we see in Britain. We used to get a pair, and only just when I got back from Oz did I see the pair, but of late there has only been a single goldfinch visit. Em has come to call him “Tubs” as he sits on the nyger seed feeder for at least 10 minutes, topping himself up with food. He looks a little rotund these days and sometimes he can visit our garden 3-4 times in one day! He has in the last week, single-handedly depleted our stock of nyger seed. So on our travels out yesterday, we picked up two bags of nyger seed and topped up the feeder. I am hoping that this will entice Tubs’ lady friend (I assume the other goldfinch must be female) to come back and visit with him. They are such gorgeous birds.

Here is a pic of a goldfinch – not Tubs himself, I will endeavour to get a pic of him – for you to enjoy.


Cats and Birds.

Yesterday a nasty thing happened. I only heard the effects of it, but Em saw what had resulted in it. Around about mid-day yesterday we heard what sounded like a bird, screaming. I thought the inevitable must have happened and the bird had been caught by one of the Hitler cats that hang around our patch (they are called Hitler cats because they are black and white and have varying designs of “Hitler” moustaches on their faces). Sure enough, as Em went outside to investigate, she saw one said Hitler cat with a bird by its wing in the cats mouth. Em tried to get close to the cat to make it drop the bird, but the cat ran off, still with the bird in its mouth.

I knew that this was on the cards because the previous day I had witnessed the same cat very nearly catch another bird, despite the bird being in the relative safety of a bird table. The table is around 170cm tall at the tables base…and around the pole leading up to the table is a piece of non-stick plastic piping to prevent cats, squirrels, etc. from being able to climb the pole. It stands away from anything else that could be used to “prop up” any other animals entry into the house. Well, that didn’t stop Hitler cat. It just, from a sitting position, took a leap and managed to reach the base of the bird table and very nearly swipe a bird. The only thing that saved the bird was that the cat was air born and it had to reach for the side of the bird table to stop plummeting back down to Earth.

I dearly love both cats and birds, but if nothing else shows the force of nature over nurture in this world, surely the concept that Felis Silvestris Catus STILL, after thousands of years of domesticity, STILL wants to hunt birds is not clear evidence that nature wins, then I don’t know what does!

It’s tragic because while I was in Oz, I spent time watching my mums neighbours’ cat who showed almost no interest at all in birds, despite them coming within inches of it. It just did not care.

It’s been a LONG time.

Hello Everyone,

I have been away for just over 4 months. I went to Australia and had all intention of writing about my travels in another blog I created called “Return 2 Oz”, but I ended up with the most DISMAL Internet connection in Oz. Let me tell you now, if you are planning to stay in Oz for an extended period, and are looking to use an ISP while there, on my recommendation, do NOT use Brown Bear Internet. I thought it was a good deal. It was $9.90 a month for 160mb of use, then something like 5 cents a MB for exceeding that, capped at $16.95. I thought I wouldn’t go over the monthly usage and I didn’t in the end because it was almost unusable! I would have to dial in several times as I continued to be disconnected after around 3 minutes. And the connection…although I know it’s dial-up and I expected it to be slow…MY LORD, was it SSSLLLLOOOOWWW!! As a consequence I didn’t spend any real time on the Internet when I was there as the experience was just beyond infuriating.

I think I only made one blog entry while I was Oz. Not exactly productive.

As a result, there is much to catch up on. I will get to it over the next coupe of weeks. Not much to report really. I spent most of my time at my mums house just wasting the days away.

BirdWatch 2007.


I have to say I’m getting a little excited. This weekend is the annual BirdWatch weekend. This is a chance for people in the UK to take an hour out of their normal weekend schedule to observe the numbers of birds visiting their gardens. I partook in last year’s survey and am really looking forward to this weekend.

It’s just a good excuse to sit back and observe the birds for an hour. Not that I need an excuse. One of the daily newspapers helped to get me in the mood by giving away a set of birdsong CD’s in their weekend papers. There are about 50 bird calls on each disc. It was lovely listening to all the different sounds. Some are very familiar like blue tits and robins and blackbirds, but others like the capercaillie are not ones you hear everyday, unless you live in a part of Scotland where they reside.

I feel sorry for birds in winter. It must be tough. It’s so bloomin’ cold out there at the moment, and all they have to keep warm are some feathers, poor little blights. Food is tough to come by at this time of year too. We do our bit, putting out fat balls and seeds and peanuts, and any food scraps that are bird friendly. We put out bread some times as some birds love it as a treat, but it serves no useful purpose for them. It’s like us eating a plate of chips, no real value to it, other than it tastes nice. But the fat balls give them energy and help to keep them warm. Poor little birdies!

I am loving blue tits at the moment. I think they are my favourite birds. They are so little and cute and agile. They always seem to be flying about all day, stopping here and there for food, hopping along tree branches, being very active. I love their little calls and they look tough, like they’d try and give you a little peck, given half a chance! lol I just think they are adorable.

Maybe I should buy myself a t-shirt emblazoned with “I LOVE TITS” on it…just to give people with sordid minds the wrong idea!!! lol


Iiiitttttt’s Wooollllffffiiiieeeee!

After 14 years of trying, Martin “Wolfie” Adams won the BDO Lakeside World Darts Championship 2007. Congratulations to Wolfie and his wife Sharon. He won the final of a best of 13 sets, 7-6, after his opponent Phil “Nixy” Nixon was down 6-0 in the match. Yes! Wolfie only had one set to win and then Nixy put on a monumental comeback performance. Not really helped by Wolfie becoming very untidy with his “finishes”. Nixy clawed his way back to make it 6-6. In a way Wolfie really didn’t deserve to win it as Nixy made such a fightback. Nixy had been trying for 20 years just to get TO the World Darts Championship and it was his very first success at getting through to playing. He was at odds of 150/1 to win the championship – and for a time it looked like a lot of people were going to be making some tidy sums of money. He would have been the bookies best friend.

But finally, Wolfie came through and won the deciding set without the need to go into a tie-break situation. His wife Sharon was in pieces. She has wanted this for him for so long. She lives every dart. She was an emotional wreck when they went into the deciding set and had to leave the viewing area because she just couldn’t take it anymore! I get the feeling that although Wolfie won, he might be in the doghouse for turning Sharon into a plate of jelly! lol


(Martin “Woflie” Adams with the trophy for the winner of Lakeside Darts Championship 2007.)

Typical Me.

I accept my “Person of the Year” from Time Magazine for my blogging, and then proceed NOT to blog for three weeks. Although I at least have the excuse of it being the Xmas/New Year period.

It was a quiet one, hence me having time to actually WRITE an entry for December 26! We stayed home and just had a nice dinner here. I felt bad as Em had had the opportunity to buy me a couple of little surprise presents. I wasn’t able to get her anything. Not even a card.

New Year’s Eve again was quiet. I had a few Bailey’s with a hint of caramel drinks. Em actually managed to stay up after midnight (just), which was a feat for her! We saw a bit of the London fireworks on TV (and saw a bit of Sydney’s earlier on in the day) and watched the rest of Jool’s Hootenanny. I went to bed around 1am. Then listened to the radio for a while. I couldn’t sleep and so at around 3am made a request for a song via text. I was still awake at 4.15am to hear my name being read out, so that was cool.

After the New Year, it was just a count down to the Embassy World Darts which has been on TV since Saturday. I just SSOOO love the “walk-on’s” of the players. Sorry, but there is NOTHING on YouTube, I’ll have to try and get something up myself. My favourite player is Martin “Wolfie” Adams. The announcer/MC, Martin Fitzmaurice announces Wolfie’s arrival by calling out “Iiiitttt’s Wooolllllllffffiiiieeee!!!”…and creepy-like music plays, with a howling wolf, which Wolfie mimes to. Then Duran Duran’s “Hungry Like The Wolf” starts to play. It’s just brilliant!


(Ted “The Count” Hankey)


(Martin “Wolfie” Adams)

No New Year’s resolutions. What’s the point? Maybe one (although not officially given) is that I will really rope in spending this year – it won’t really be hard, as we have next to nowt anyway.

Well, that’s me for now.

I am actually doing it…

…and staying at it!

I think this wordpress thing is so good. I made a pledge to myself on my “43 things” page that I’d become a better blogger. It started at my Yahoo 360* site. That improved my blogging proficiency, but I think once I moved to here that I really got going. I used to have a “blogger” account (it’s like a swear word now). I don’t understand why Google wanted it! I’m sorry, but WordPress poops all over blogger! Anyway, on blogger I’d make like about three entries in one week, then couldn’t be bothered to keep it going.

Then someone on 43 things contacted me about something. I noticed they had a Yahoo 360 account and so I went and had a look. I didn’t know what the hell I was doing at Yahoo 360 at first. I found it really confusing, but once I got the hang of how it worked, I began to blog regularly. It really started me on the blogging road. But I wanted more. I wanted more flexibility – and 360 just didn’t offer that. So Em suggested WordPress to me (which is odd as she hadn’t used it herself yet – and has only just started using it now). I looked, and although it also took a bit of getting used to, this is now my mainstay! I love the way you can structure a site on here. I love the idea of pages and posts and that you can have a static page, so it becomes very web site looking.

I’ve been hosting my own web sites for ages. But only this year have I realised with sites like this, you can just buy a domain name (rather affordably) and link it to a WordPress page, and it saves all the hassle involved in hosting a full web site, which is bloody time consuming!!


I now, as a regular blogger, feel deserving of my title as “Time Magazine – Person of the Year” 2006. It’s a great honour. So, thank you Time, for giving me this great honour. I am very humbled. I would like to thank my mum, Em, the cat…………………..

Five days and counting!

I am SSSOOO not prepared for it this year. Not so much in the sense of being ill-prepared re: decorations, present-buying, card-sending, etc (having said that, I have a sad selection of decorations out – a fluffy Santa fibre optic with advent calendar that I keep forgetting to change the date on, a anamatronic dog that sings the first chorus of Slade’s Merry Xmas Everybody, and a 1 foot fibre optic Xmas tree – haven’t really bought or sent any presents – haven’t sent out any Xmas cards), but being ill-prepared as in I am just not mentally prepared for the Xmas period.

I keep trying to get into the spirit, but this year I just want it to go away! There’s nothing to celebrate really. We’re stone broke, our car’s gone to pot, and I just don’t feel in the mood for “seasonal cheer”.

This is quite funny. They have been showing this ad for the last week or so, and it just cracks me up EVERY time! The best advertising campaign I’ve ever seen a charity do.

There is such a lovely sentiment behind it too. There was a catalogue that was delivered to our place at the end of their summer with a whole load of “Oxfamunwrapped” gift ideas in it. I thought it was brilliant. Especially the idea of instead getting wedding gifts if you were getting married, having all your wedding guests buy stuff from an Oxfam wedding list. Some things like a whole classroom or a whole village market could be bought with the proceeds.

[viddler id=51b95e49&w=437&h=370]

Well, as predicted by many pundits, Leona won X Factor on Saturday night. Her single gets released today and will no doubt be No. 1 for Xmas. Unbelievably she was in the final with Ray, which meant Simon Cowell had two acts competing in the final. Before anything else, it meant Simon had already won! Her single is a cover of Kelly Clarkson’s A Moment Like This. I think they could have given her an original song! Seems a bit of a cop out to give her a cover.

Here’s her performance of the song on the final of X Factor.


It’s the silly season.

I’m a not-avid follower of the snooker. Sometimes I watch, other times not. I’ve not really been keeping up-to-date with the latest competition, but couldn’t help but hear what happened in Ronnie O’ Sullivan’s match with Stephen Hendry. Hendry was up 4-1 in frames and Ronnie was trailing in the sixth frame by 20 odd points. It was his pot, he failed to pot a red and just left the table, went over to Hendry, shaked his hand and left the hall! He’d conceded defeat just 5 frames into a 17 frame match?!


Speaking of strange…but DEAD funny! Em and I got onto the subject of an ad that was on TV here until last year. It’s for a product called Crusha, a flavouring you add to milk to make a “milkshake”. It looks like it’s made of radioactive material when you see it in the bottle – and I must admit I’ve never bought the stuff, but the ad is a hoot!! I HAD to go and try and find it on youtube. Amazingly it was there! lol


Add milk, or we’ll Crusha!
Another festive treat for you. Here is the Baarmy Army sheep singing Jingle Bells!


Birds and Popcorn.

As you may or may not know, I am a couch bird-watcher. That is to say that I love birds and find them fascinating, and dare say have bird-watched, from the comfort and privacy of my own home. I have yet to enjoy the “pleasure” of a true bird-watching experience at a local RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) or similar establishment or park.

Today I was dabbling a bit with the old couch bird-watching from the loungeroom window. It’s been a bit bleak of late, after a lovely little collective of summer visitors. At the moment the resident birds are the ubiquitous starlings, a robin (our first regular robin since moving here, normally only to be seen around Xmas, he has been here since late summer) and a bird that has been making me refer to my birdfeeding book for a while now, in search of its identity. The problem was finally solved today, more in a bit. Also, not as frequently, but still quite often we get a goldfinch visit. We did have a pair for a while during the summer, and it was lovely seeing them visit. A breeding pair seemingly as they were male and female (the male has more red colouring around the head than the female, easy to distinguish through binoculars). After a few weeks, it seemed that only the female was visiting. I thought the worst had happened to the male as goldfinches seem to be seen if not in pairs, at least in number, so to see a lone female was a little worrying. But today, the male was back! Although he didn’t seem to be allowed to eat from the nyjer seed feeder we put out for them, for only she was eating from it and when he would approach he seemed to be told off!


(male Goldfinch pictured)

As for the mystery bird, I have deduced with the help of my trusty birdfeeder book that it is a dunnock. At first I thought it was a sparrow, but then started to think again, as it was always alone (sparrows are way too a communal type of bird for one to always be alone) and any sparrow “like” features I was seeing on this bird were not prominent enough, and the beak was too narrow (sparrows have a broader, finch-like beak than what this bird had). So after weeks of being miffed about its ID, I had it! I read up on it in my birdfeeding book and what a kinky little bird it is! The book said that during the breeding season it would not be unusual to see a female with two males, or vise virsa or even to have two breeding pairs together, swapping partners! Swinging birds!!!


(Dunnock pictured)

Another couple of strangers that are only just starting to make a comeback to our garden are blue tits (just the one so far – we used to have a resident pair) and blackbirds (well, just the one again so far). We used to have a regular female blackbird come round (the female blackbirds are actually mostly brown), who was a real hen-pecker, and the odd male, but not as much a regular visitor as she. But I haven’t seen a female in ages and have only just started to see a male in recent days. Also there was a greenfinch. Haven’t seen one of those since the summer!

I miss Australian birds. I miss (rather bizarrely) magpies and (not so bizarrely) kookaburras. I miss hearing their calls in the morning.

Our neighbours next door went away to America for a holiday recently, and came back baring a few gifts for us – which was a surprise as we don’t know them that well, but it was as a thank you for making sure their house was safe (not that we really did bother anyway, one of their parents was coming around checking on the place anyway). We got a pack of mini oreo’s (what is with the oreo obsession? They are just – not very good I might add – bloody chocolate biscuits!), a pack of boiled lollies (sweets) and this thing called Jiffy Pop. It was popcorn in a pan! So tonight we finally cooked up the popcorn. It was brilliant! The pan has a foil top, which inflates like a big foil balloon as the popcorn starts to pop!! When cooked, you just carefully open the foil top and eat straight from the pan! Lovely warm popcorn, just like from the cinema! It was buttery and salty and yummy! It’s like about $1.00 a go in the USA. We can get it here in the UK at a shop called “Cybercandy”, but they want effing £2.80 per pack!!! Bastardosses!

Anyway, enough boredom from me…I’m outtahere!


The bird calls I miss




The beautiful kookaburra