BirdWatch 2007.


I have to say I’m getting a little excited. This weekend is the annual BirdWatch weekend. This is a chance for people in the UK to take an hour out of their normal weekend schedule to observe the numbers of birds visiting their gardens. I partook in last year’s survey and am really looking forward to this weekend.

It’s just a good excuse to sit back and observe the birds for an hour. Not that I need an excuse. One of the daily newspapers helped to get me in the mood by giving away a set of birdsong CD’s in their weekend papers. There are about 50 bird calls on each disc. It was lovely listening to all the different sounds. Some are very familiar like blue tits and robins and blackbirds, but others like the capercaillie are not ones you hear everyday, unless you live in a part of Scotland where they reside.

I feel sorry for birds in winter. It must be tough. It’s so bloomin’ cold out there at the moment, and all they have to keep warm are some feathers, poor little blights. Food is tough to come by at this time of year too. We do our bit, putting out fat balls and seeds and peanuts, and any food scraps that are bird friendly. We put out bread some times as some birds love it as a treat, but it serves no useful purpose for them. It’s like us eating a plate of chips, no real value to it, other than it tastes nice. But the fat balls give them energy and help to keep them warm. Poor little birdies!

I am loving blue tits at the moment. I think they are my favourite birds. They are so little and cute and agile. They always seem to be flying about all day, stopping here and there for food, hopping along tree branches, being very active. I love their little calls and they look tough, like they’d try and give you a little peck, given half a chance! lol I just think they are adorable.

Maybe I should buy myself a t-shirt emblazoned with “I LOVE TITS” on it…just to give people with sordid minds the wrong idea!!! lol
