The New Love Of My Life – The Nokia 6300!

“Am I in love? aaaaahhhhhh I must be in love!”

It might still be the honeymoon period at this stage (as I’ve only had my phone just over 48 hours), but I *LOVE* this phone. I was hesitant because of reviews I’d seen. People seem to either love it or hate it.

It’s WAY more advanced than my old Siemens SF65 (which always has a starring role each week in The Bill) which makes me feel like I’ve joined the 21st century.

The phone is just PACKED with features:

  • 2 mega pixel camera
  • video record and play
  • bluetooth
  • music player
  • radio
  • mp3 ringtones
  • organiser
  • fully integrated SMS, MMS, MMS+, video messaging, flash messaging – even Push To Talk
  • themes
  • wallpapers

Just everything I wanted to upgrade for. My Siemens had a camera, but it was only an SVGA quality, 1.3 mega pixel camera. Photos looked crap from my phone. I had no PC linking capabilities with my phone because I use a Mac. No probs now with my new phone as it has the LOVELY Bluetooth!

A lot of reviews say “2 mega pixel camera, not good enough”, but I am very happy with the photo quality. The highest resolution of this camera is 1600 x 1200 and it takes some great photos. It doesn’t have a flash, which makes it struggle in low light levels (not great for the UK market, really), but in day conditions, it’s fine. The digital zoom does start to make a meal of the image when you use it – you really don’t want to have to zoom in too much – but that’s the bane of digital zoom. At full resolution in good light conditions, the photos are good.

Video is great albeit small at 178×144 not the 320×240 as seemed to be promised in spec. Being my first video phone, I am happy with the quality, it makes a somewhat “blocky” but very watchable video clip. I’ve even finally opened a YouTube account and added videos from my phone to the account already. Bluetooth just makes everything SO easy!

I find the ease of use with bluetooth for file transfer really good and fast. Mp3’s, video clips and photos all transfer in seconds. I LOVE being able to finally make up my own mp3 ringtones and load them on the phone. The joys of being a Mac owner. No DRM to mess about with, bluetooth already in the Mac’s system – not having to use any PC suite (bblllleeeerrrrrkkkk WindoZe) – EASY!

I saw one person in a review complain that the phone only had one alarm!!! ONE ALARM?! HOW MANY DO YOU WANT? At first I was thinking there might have been a back-handed valid point to this seeing as my Siemens had 3 alarms. But upon quick reflection I could see that you could have limitless alarms with the Nokia because of the organiser. Either the person making that comment had no brain or…well, they just had no brain obviously!

The only downside I have seen with my phone so far is the common complaint – battery life – but as I’ve been playing with the phone quite a bit to familiarise myself with it – I doubt this will be a real problem for me in the near future. I’ll see how it goes.

The only other slight down point is the highly probable ease at which this phone would become disfigured. I have invested in a crystal hard case which goes around the phone but still allows all it’s functions to be available, so keypad is accessible at all times, as well as the input and output points (charger input, USB cable input, etc). The most important things are protected…screen, corners, back. Other cases I looked at either would make the phone look ugly or would be impractical as you would be having to take the phone in and out of the case all the time to access all the phones functions. The crystal cases are cheap as well, so once they start to get too marked and scuffed, you can just buy another.

I really, really love this phone! Rated out of 10, I would give it (minus points for fragility and battery life):


3 Replies to “The New Love Of My Life – The Nokia 6300!”

  1. Hi Lozzy,

    I just got a 6300, and also have a mac. I like it a ton as well, but I can’t figure out how to transfer mp3s or photos, or anything else to it from my computer (or vice versa). Any tips? Im in germany, so the owners manual is kinda pointless for me to read. Thanks!


  2. Hello Dave,
    I’m not sure about your mac, but mine is bluetooth enabled, so I just paired my mobile phone to my mac via bluetooth. I’m not the most technically minded, but I found it a relative easy process using the mac’s bluetooth setup assistant. There’s a guide on YouTube that a person made, I’m not sure if it’ll help you, but I hope it does. Just make sure you have your phone’s bluetooth on before going through the setup on the mac.

    Here’s a link for the video:

    As well as a link on the Nokia site:

  3. its easy dave, use a mini usb cable to connect to the mac, just get your hands on one (sold seperatly for about $5) plug it in, select data transfer and wait a couple of seconds. your 6300 (or micro sd card anyway) will mount on the desktop. ofcourse,. you need to be running osx. os9 may have probs mounting due to phone protection methods.

    hope this helps

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