Chai, Glasto and DW/DT.

There’s a yukky job to be done today. The fish tank needs cleaning (hell, does it need cleaning). But before that I wanted to add a post. I’ve been wanting to write one for the last 48 hours, but just haven’t got round to it. Anyway, here I am (God, you can tell it’s Saturday, the woman next door has started her vacuum marathon! She vacuums her house (same size as owns, the whole 25 squared foot of it -approx) for at LEAST 1 hour!!

Anyway, I digress.

Firstly I wanted to talk about Chai. Em’s friend Stan came to visit last week and he brought with him a box of Twinnings Chai tea bags. I’d heard of chai in the past, about it being a spiced tea that you can sweeten and milk like you would normal tea. That it’s sort of like latte’ for tea drinkers. ANYWAY, I’m into trying different flavours of tea and stuff, I like Earl Grey, Darjeeling and Lapsang Souchong, so I thought I’d give Chai a whirl. My God, this stuff is YUMMY! I love it, especially that I can sweeten and milk it. For as I do drink the other teas mentioned, I don’t do it too much ‘cos you can’t really sweeten or milk them (with the exception of the Lapsang). The first drink of it I had, it reminded me of these varieties of Magnum on the market at the moment called Mayan Mystica. All ginger and cinnamon-y. Very nice.

Next thing, Glastonbury. Coverage of it started on the BBC last night. I watched some of The Feeling’s set. They did good covers of Video Killed The Radio Star and Take On Me. I like The Feeling, and the singer’s a bit nice too – in that skinny, geeky way I’m into at the moment. I watched some Candi Staton too. The woman is SIXTY SIX years old!! She was fab! Saw a bit of The Ting Tings. I’ve been hearing their stuff on tele and radio and that, not knowing it was their stuff. They do anthems for Chrissy like “That’s Not My Name” and “Shut Up And Let Me Go”. Kind of like a mixed-up Brit version of The White Stripes. Bloke on the drums, girl on guitar, singing. But the highlight of last night for me was Kings Of Leon. Their set and performance was just KILLER! Loved it. Probably one of, if not, THE BEST live set I’ve ever heard.

Last thing, tonight’s penultimate Doctor Who, for obvious reasons initially, but also because the last few eps of the show have been stellar. It’s going to be off-air for most of next year, with only some special eps being aired next year. Just when I’m getting into DT, he’ll be pulled from under me!! (cries into hands) I have been OD’ing on past Tennant work at the moment. Just watched the first 3 eps of Takin’ Over The Asylum, a TV series he was in with Ken Stott. About a radio DJ re-starting a hospital radio station in a mental hospital in Glasgow. DT plays a patient called Campbell who’s bipolar. It was made in 1994. He was only a baby, but was acting very well in it. I wanted to add a clip from the show, but all the stuff on YouTube is out of synch and my attempts to get a clip out with my own software has been to no avail (no audio), so it’ll have to wait I’m afraid.

Anyway, here’s looking forward to tonight…