Vivid Sydney: Striking a Pang for Home

I was entering competitions today (as I regularly do), when one comp took me to the Guardian newspaper site. While there, I noticed a video clip of them highlighting the Vivid Sydney event taking place each night over the next few weeks. As I’m on the free version of WordPress, I can’t embed any old video I like, but found (in many respects) a much lovlier example of what I saw in a YouTube clip – which I CAN embed.

These are the things that can stir up pangs of home. Where I lived in the outer suburbs of Sydney, the centre of the city was never too far away. I do miss being able to enjoy these kinds of spectacles back home, especially at this time of year (approaching winter in Australia).

If you’d still like to see the Guardian video, follow the link by clicking here

2 Replies to “Vivid Sydney: Striking a Pang for Home”

  1. Hah! I have friends attending Vivid this year and they posted this year’s lighting up the sails which as Kyle is heavily into video projection circles I had hoped someone had done or would do that (a company that he is friends with here, Obscura Digital, did it for a symphony YouTube thing at one point. You’ll have to google Obscura Digital, apologies) and I was sucked into a video hole, weepy over the gorgeousness. I love love love the one last year that the company who did this year’s did. It has dancers interacting with the sails. It’s stunningly beautiful & more simple & haunting than the “acid trip” spectacle of this year as well as Obscura’s.

    So funny you posted this the same time I was discovering it myself. 🙂

    1. I shall have a look out for Obscura Digital. Years back (when I was still a resident and Em and I first got together) we saw a light show by Darling Harbour (just a little further in to the city). It was all laser lights and there was an Aborignal projected dance display, relaying stories of the Dreamtime. It was really lovely. Em filmed some of it at the time (not the best quality now – no HD back then) and when I stumble upon some of the footage from time to time it brings back lovely memories. It’s all up on my Daily Motion a/c ( The dancing does sound good! Even though it was laser projected, the Dreamtime stuff we saw was different to just a frantic light show (though there is still an element of that in what we saw, esp. at the beginning of the show).

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