3 Replies to “Welcome to the world…”

  1. omg omg omg she’s here!!! that’s wonderful news and what a cutie she is!Great niece…hmmmm…does that make you feel old now? You’re too young to be into the ‘great’ relatives!!

  2. I feel more old knowing that Lilly looks exactly the same as Lisa when she was born – Lisa now being 28. It’s my second adventure into great auntie-ness. My other niece Rebecca had her son Landon in 2006. That was okay for me, I was happy to be a great aunt at 36 – my sister on the other hand – a grandmother at 42! YIKES!

  3. aww i havnt been able to get on much due to lilly reason i missed this post :)you shouldnt really feel old your only 11 years older than me lol

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