Some looks fade, some come to fruition.

I’ve seen a few recent shots of Bono soaking up the sun and I couldn’t help but think “Oh, Bono. Where did all those lovely youthful looks go, eh?”

Here is a montage of now and then shots.


Time has not been kind to him. The image on the bottom left I used to have on my bedroom wall as a HUGE full-sized poster. I just used to stare at it for hours! Oh, I adored him! It was around ’83 I became a big fan, and it reached its ascendancy by 1984/5. By the end of ’85, after Live Aid and he grew a beard, did a guest vocal on a Clannad song and took part in and appeared in the Sun City video, my love for Bono began to wane. By 1986 I had a new man in my life!

As you might all know, my current fancy man is one David John McDonald (David Tennant for the uninitiated). But it’s the absolute REVERSE with him! You see young shots of him and you think, “My word! This man is fairly renowned as a scrummy piece of hotness, but you wouldn’t think it from THIS!”

A montage of him looking delectable now, but not so delectable then…


It just goes to show, some people can improve with age.

Previous to DT I had a HUGE crush on Kevin Pietersen, WHAT WAS I THINKING?!


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