Dude, Where’s My Bra?

We’ve hired a car for the weekend. And while Em was off collecting it, I was having a shower. Once I got out the shower, I was getting dressed. I went to my underwear draw to get my best bra, but oh, my bra wasn’t in the draw? No matter, I thought, it must be around here somewhere…

I searched in EVERY place feasible to no avail. I was starting to get flustered. IT’S MY BEST BRA! I’ve only had it a few months. I had some not very suitable “back up” bras – one too small for me, the other with a hook that had snapped.

Well I had no choice, so I wore the one with the about to bust hook.

I have a ritual, see. I don’t wear my bras when I’m at home. It’s a thing I got from my mum. It just helps to lengthen the life of the bra. So, when I *do* go out and wear my bra, when I come home, I take it off. I normally leave it on the end of the bed to “air off” a while, then put it back in my underwear draw later. The last time I wore it was about a week ago (yes, I go out that often). I remember coming home, taking it off and draping it on the end of the bed, and then…


Have you seen it?

On to the car. We’d planned a trip to Cambridge and then perhaps Whipsnade Zoo the next day. But I think we’ll change tack to Hitchin tomorrow and then perhaps a trip to Shepreth on Sunday.

We’ve spent a bit of dosh today, spoiling Chrissy and myself. I’ve got an early birthday present.


As for Chris, these are her spoils…



Thanks to Ikea for Chrissy’s things.

2 Replies to “Dude, Where’s My Bra?”

  1. Mmmmmm Krispy Kreme’s, original is my fave though I’m also partial to some of the others! I love the tunnel you got for Chrissy too, very colourful!

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