The “no prize” Prize? UPDATE: It’s a PRIZE!

Pro comping has its ups and downs. The ups are obviously the prizes you can win. And I have loved the things I have won so far. They’ve all been very useful, tasty, or have some other way given me pleasure.

One of the biggest prizes I have ever won is still yet to make an appearance. Back in early May I was informed in an email that I had won a competition run by a company called Hardware Heaven on Facebook of a PC graphics card. A serious bit of kit that I was looking forward to upgrading our Linux PC with (it’s in serious need of an upgrade and with money tight, this hardware would have helped).

I was asked in the email to provide my address details and allow 28 days for delivery. I thought “UK company, I’m sure they’re just allowing a nice big buffer in case of some unforseen delay or some sort. Be patient!” And I was. I sat back for 28 days. I must admit though that the non-appearance after 28 days had me slightly worried. I’d never had to wait that long for a prize being awarded to me before. Some have even been BLINDINGLY quick (the notification of my Aubrey bag win was on a Monday, and I had the bag arrive Wednesday – talk about fast!)

Long story short, I contacted Hardware Heaven after the 28 days saying the prize had been a no show. I received an apologetic reply with the an assurance that the mix up would be sorted. Again, I put my patience cap on and waited another 10 days before contacting them again. Yes, another 10 days went by and still nothing. It has now been a total of 50 days and I haven’t received anything.

I just keep getting scratched record replies of “I’m sorry. I’ll get it sorted for you.” etc. I keep chasing up info every few days with requests of “has it been sorted yet? When can I expect it see it? Do I need to wait another 28 days now?” I’m seriously doubting I’ll see anything for my win.

I don’t know who is at fault here. I can only assume from the undercurrent of the reply emails that I’m waiting for my prize to be sent via a third party. It’s a shame if that is the case as the third party is sullying Hardware Heaven’s reputation as far as I am concerned.

The competition site I use suggests to contact the IPM (The Institute of Promotional Marketing) if 40 days lapses and no prize has been forthcoming. I really wanted to get it resolved on a personal level though.

I’m sure it’s all genuine. I mean, why would you announce a winner and contact them if you had NO intention of awarding a prize? I just wish I could have it resolved.


I received a message on my mobile this morning from DHL with a tracking number. A shipment from Taipei. Not something I have ordered myself as the text came to the mobile I use for competition entries. I can only assume that it is a parcel from the manufacturer of the graphics card. Hooray!! I think it may be coming at last :-)))


It’s here! At long last! Now to get it in my PC…

Palit Graphics Card


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