Animal Crossing: New Leaf

My good friend Kelly was given an early birthday present from her S.O. of a new Nintendo 3DS XL console and the latest version of Animal Crossing – New Leaf.

I had an original DS console and had the original Animal Crossing game but after playing it on and off for 18 months or so, got a little bored with it. I have never really been a big gamer and not many games hold my interest for long. I prefer the traditional style board games (which NOBODY EVER PLAYS WITH ME WITH – except when I lived back in Australia – my mum and I would play a lot together – except for my FAVOURITE board game Scrabble. She was no good with words and spelling.). So, to make a bit of dosh during the tight times (and to fund a purchase of something else I wanted), I sold my DS and the games I had accumulated.

Then when Kelly got her new 3DS XL, initially I was thinking “Oh, that’s lovely for her. She’s crazy for AC. She’ll be loving it!” and then thought of the days we missed playing AC together, visiting each others towns, and how relaxing I used to find the gameplay. How much I loved fishing, and catching bugs, etc. Then pangs started and after a couple of weeks, I caved in and got my own 3DS XL with the new Animal Crossing pre-loaded onto the console.


The new AC is ssoo much fun! I am loving it. The console itself is so much more inproved and the 3D REALLY works on a hand-held console. It’s bananas! You can adjust the screen to set the intensity of the 3D effect. I always have mine on the lowest setting (you can even turn the 3D completely off) otherwise I find it does things to my eyes after a while. I get a bit of retina burn!

Here are some of my favourite moments so far from the game.


As you can see, it’s a lot of fun and Kelly and I have had some great fun “hanging out” in each others’ towns. I didn’t realise how much I had missed playing until I started up again. I might get the updated Nintendogs (Cats and Dogs, or whatever it’s called these days) next. But not right now. ACNL is too much fun!

2 Replies to “Animal Crossing: New Leaf”

  1. I have to say it has been THE MOST FUN playing with you! I LOVE that Ava moved from my town to YOURS! So incredibly neat! The SO knows that when I say we’re playing to not even try and talk to me because I absolutely will not listen LOL. I know it was a stretch for you but it has been so super awesome (apparently my vocabulary has devolved with my extended play of the game – don’t look at the “Activity Log” app if you don’t want to know how much of your life you’ve spent in front of a pair of small screens!! I am at 108:40 over 50 times just for ACNL!!!

    I actually play with 3D off because I have really sensitive eyes & get migraines. Being able to turn it off actually was what sold me. I had wanted one even before ACNL but hadn’t been able to handle one or see if I could turn 3D off. Once I saw that I could KNEW I needed it. It’s been such a brilliant relaxation tool. I have a couple smaller games (Picross) that I can just play a little at a time.

    Anyway I am so glad you got yours and it has been so much fun to play with you! And later this week I’ll be staying up late so you don’t have to & we can maybe FaceTime at the same time so we don’t have to rely on the teeny input! The SO said he would sleep upstairs in the studio. 😀


    * sent from space via the iSubPhone … bloop! *

    1. Sounds good! It’s been ages since we Facetimed and to FT AND play ACNL at the same time will be loads of fun 🙂 I’m loving Ava too. I have both Ava and Egbert in my town – two chickens. The fave in my town is Wart Jr – he’s cute. But I’m getting tired of Eloise. She says some really catty things! Elephants are nice IRL 🙁 I like Rodney as well. He’s all roly-poly. Lol. My activity log tells me I’ve already spent 42 hours with it – WTF??? I’ve racked up next to no time with anything else. I tried the Disney Princess game and played for like 15 mins. I’m still YET to try Art Academy.

      I did wonder how you coped with the 3D screen! I don’t blame you for turning off completely. Like I say, I have mine at the lowest setting (it might as well be off) and only turn it up on the very rare occasion.

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